Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

Wind safety consideration of coastal tropical architecture


Sangkertadi *)
Hieryko Manalip **)
Aristotulus Tungka *)

*) Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado
**) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sam Ratulangi, Manado

Tropical architecture placed in coastal area has to consider of wind behavior as part of concept of structure and its building envelope. Wind considerations do not just for fulfilling ventilation requirement. Building also has capacity to detain the strong coast wind. Extreme tropical wind like wind ‘barat’, tropical storm and hurricane which may blow to the coastal and shore area can cause the disaster and the damage of constructions and also result the big enough loss. Wind with heavy rains also can result the floods and pond around building and may cause of problems access to exit and enter into building and to neighborhood environment. This article emphasized to the principles of design especially for building installed in tropical coastal area. Wind factor influence the device of some of architectural elements : basic form, roofing, building sitting and also landscaping.

Keywords : tropical architecture, high wind, coastal design

download presentation :

Thermal Effect of Materials for Ground Covering and Roofing in Tropical City Environment

(Paper accepted for “Second Annual International Conference on Green Technology and Engineering" 2009, Bandar Lampung, 15-17 April 2009)

Sangkertadi 1), Reny Syafriny 2)

1) Architect, Professor in Building Science
Head of Laboratory of Building Science & Technology, Department of Architecture,
Faculty of Engineering, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Indonesia
E-mail :

2) Architect & Urban Planner
Program Study of Urban & Regional Planning, Faculty of Engineering,
Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Indonesia
E-mail :

A good thermal performance that gives comfortable microclimate of urban space will be one of primary point of interest for the visitors or even for the migrants to do their outdoor activities: parking, relaxing, walking, retailing, etc. Climate effect is therefore a factor considerable importance in designing open spaces and building envelop. Architect or urban designer’s major task is to create the best possible outdoor environment to the people’s activities. Green technology appreciation in the context of urban architecture may be interpreted as the application of materials covering buildings envelop and ground surface. Soft and hard materials covering park space, roofing and wall, play important role determining convective and radiant temperature of its environment. Outdoor thermal comfort is therefore depends on utilization of surface material.
This paper contains the intention of thermal performance of outdoor environment in the center town of Manado city, Indonesia, located in humid tropical climate zone. One hour steps of temperature measurement at the surface of several ground covering materials (paving-block, asphalt, concrete block, grass) without solar shading in a hot season were done. The measurement was once more done at the surface of several types of building roofing materials (zinc, tile, rumbia). Air temperature of outdoor space was also recorded. This is to know the effect of using different types of materials on outdoor environment. A simple numerical simulation was also realized using TRNSYS in order to make comparison with the results from measurement. This study recommend of principles of thermal properties of materials for roofing and ground covering of a tropical environment.

Keywords : Outdoor thermal comfort, Urban heat island, Tropical humid, Open space

Full paper download:



Arsitektur Hijau diposisikan sebagai konsep desain bangunan untuk menahan laju peningkatan emisi gas rumah kaca. Produk bangunan ditengarai dapat menyumbangkan sampai lebih dari 30% emisi karbon ke atmosfir. Setiap kegiatan produktif / budidaya di ukur kesetaraannya terhadap produksi ekivalen kg CO2, termasuk sektor bangunan. Peran Arsitektur Hijau adalah untuk menahan bahkan mengurangi seberapa besar laju peningkatan produksi CO2 dimuka bumi. Sejumlah negara berkomitmen mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca untuk mendukung pembangunan berkelanjutan melalui program mekanisme pembangunan bersih. Arsitektur Hijau sebagai bagian dari mekanisme ini, turut berperan dalam pengurangan emisi gas rumah kaca. Indonesia yang memproduksi sekitar 1.2% emisi karbon di dunia pada tahun 2005, bahkan berencana mengurangi emisi CO2 sebesar 26% dalam periode 2010 sampai 2020. Tulisan ini memaparkan bagaimana dan seberapa besar peluang konstribusi Arsitektur Hijau dalam pengurangan emisi karbon, khususnya untuk kasus di Indonesia. Keberhasilan arsitektur hijau juga bergantung pada sektor pembangunan lainnya seperti industri manufaktur bahan bangunan, enerji, transportasi, dan tata guna tanah serta dukungan peraturan.

Kata Kunci: Pembangunan berkesinambungan, ramah lingkungan, arsitektur hijau, gas rumah kaca

Presentation download:
Sangkertadi - Green Building - Carbon footprint - 2010